Terms of Use

Last revised: May 10, 2024

Thank you for choosing to visit ALLKY (the "Site"). The following terms and conditions of service (these "Terms of Service") apply to visitors of the Site. You must read these Terms of Service carefully to determine which provisions apply to you. By using any of the services, functions, or features offered from time to time on the Site (collectively or individually, the "Services"), you (referred to herein as "you" or "your") agree to these Terms of Service.

By using the Site, you understand and agree that the Site is merely an interface to an ALLKY project managed by the community, where decisions are not made by a single entity but by the ALLKY Community (token) (the "Community").

These Terms of Service constitute the agreement and understanding with respect to the use of any or all of the Services, and any form of accessing them, between you and ALLKY (token). To avoid doubt, these Terms of Service have two parties: you and ALLKY (token). All and any terms, conditions, licenses, limitations, and obligations contained on the Site are incorporated into these Terms by reference, including, but not limited to the following policies and pages of the Site: the Privacy Policy and the Risk Disclosure Statement. In particular, please note that all Digital Asset transactions within or outside the Site may be subject to fees charged by ALLKY (token) as set forth and updated periodically in the Fee Schedule. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms of Service and any other pages or policies of the Site, these Terms of Service shall prevail.

By creating a wallet on the Site or by using any of the Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and fully agree to these Terms of Service in effect from time to time. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service or to any subsequent amendments, changes, or updates, you may not use any of the Services; your sole recourse in case of disagreement is to stop using all of the Services.

The use of the Site and any Services is void where prohibited by applicable law.

Last updated